

en:s:Help:Sheet music



Compilazione del file d'input LilyPond fallita:

line 51 - column 31:
syntax error, unexpected \lyricmode, expecting \sequential or \simultaneous or << or '{'
line 53 - column 31:
syntax error, unexpected \lyricmode, expecting \sequential or \simultaneous or << or '{'
line 57 - column 124:
syntax error, unexpected \rest
line 59 - column 48:
syntax error, unexpected \rest
line 61 - column 39:
syntax error, unexpected \rest
line 79 - column 1:
errors found, ignoring music expression
line 87 - column 1:
errors found, ignoring music expression
line 97 - column 2:
Unfinished main input

version "2.18.2"

Compilazione del file d'input LilyPond fallita:

line 43 - column 1:
not a note name: Voice
line 43 - column 1:
Spurious expression in \score
line 43 - column 7:
syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting '}'
line 84 - column 13:
unknown escaped string: `\upperOne'
line 84 - column 13:
string outside of text script or \lyricmode
line 84 - column 30:
unknown escaped string: `\upperTwo'
line 84 - column 30:
string outside of text script or \lyricmode
line 290 - column 1:
syntax error, unexpected '}'