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 * This JS file is part of the MOOC Addin (
 * @author Sebastian Schlicht (
 * @author René Pickhardt (
 * This JS code holds configuration parameters for the MOOC interface addin.
 * When ported to another MediaWiki instance this code can be changed if necessary for the addin to work correctly.
/* necessary to avoid interpretation of special character sequences such as signations */
// <nowiki>
AddinMooc_CONFIG.set('LOG_LEVEL', 0);// -1: off, 0: debug, 1: production
AddinMooc_CONFIG.set('MW_ROOT_URL', '');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.set('MW_API_URL', '');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.set('MW_NAMESPACE_TALK', 'Talk');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.set('MW_NAMESPACE_USER', 'User');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.set('MW_PAGE_CONTRIBUTIONS', 'Special:Contributions');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.set('USER_AGENT_EMAIL', '');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.set('USER_AGENT_URL', '');
AddinMooc_CONFIG.LOADED += 1;
// </nowiki>